Saturday, May 22, 2010
You've waited & Paid Attention! INK
This is the link to my facebook where the sleeve tattoo pictures are located!! take your chance! PEEK.....I DARE YOU!
BlackPower Media Visual Artist...ME!!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Most of the Artwork from Art De' Vol!!/album.php?aid=2113497&id=11213150
bbm pin: 314A75AB
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Figure me out!

If you dont know me, Dont persist with trying to judge this cover until you read the book.
Not one page is the same. No letter repeated.
Yes conceited, but confidence rides my bones and forever encourages me to push forward and be the difference I see myself as.
When questioned about this next tattoo... Why A Sleeve?!?!?
First of all, I am me! No questions asked, so I will do as I choose.
Second. Tattoos are my favorite display of freedom & expression of art within and on myself.
Never felt pain. Thanks to a sacred high tolerance for pain through meditation.
I have 8 tattoos, and havent really approved of letting others join in on the sight of me enduring my ink.
If you take the chance and look deep into the sleeve, you'll see deep into me and all that I stand for. All that I live for. Art.
More will be added.
One right arm is not enough. For this life of mine. Space Martian, has no time limit. Just most chances and obligations for exploration and growth... onto my whole body.
By my hands.
Ink. Figure me out!
Friday, May 14, 2010
Sex Me
Elapsed time left between space and bodies
Nothing but breathing
Eyes piercing into each others souls
Blood flowing
Body heat evolving
Fighting temptation not to touch
But looking into the attraction only makes things harder
Difficult to keep focus but refusing to look away
Trying to change subject
Keep a conversation open
But more that the legs want to feel
Thoughts clouding a pure mind
Fantasies and passion for two
or three
or four
Why count?
Eyes closed.
Tingling sensations down your spine.
They touch the back of your neck.
You turn, we kiss.
Hard to pull away.
Hard to let go.
Now intertwined.
In Sexual.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Scarifications on Surface

On the body or on the canvas.
My body is my art, more than the pre-stretched canvas that the acrylic sets in.
I let the ink settle deep, not just on my surface but through the circumference of my dermis.
More permanent than the epidermis......

More people tend to judge scarifications and body modifications as sin, but from birth and early childhood years do parents pierce their childrens ears, and in other coutries are tattoos and scarifications rituals and ceremonies for youth to enter adulthood.

Understanding and openmind acceptance are things that are hard for people to do without passing judgment on decisions of others. This blog link below shows different rituals and body modifications/scarifications in other regions of the world that some percieve as taboo, and others see as acceptance in religion and ancestry.
If we havent known by history that Otzi the IceMan, King Tut and Buddha had stretched earlobes. These are figures that have progressed and gave life to our futures. Many Buddhist monks follow rituals by tattooing their bodies with ancient art that classifies their status in society. Through research shows that even mummies of pharoahs and egyptians had tattoos. Same as we do in society today.

Sometimes we need to ask questions and try to acknowledge other perceptions of why they do things in life and hear their explanations of what they do to their body and the meanings that these modifications carry. It may be so much more deeper than you could ever know by just looking and being critical.

Many critiques throughout society associate tattoos and other body modifications as taboo between gender. I dont understand this because in life, women deal with the most pain as far as childbirth. And is a known fact that most women have a higher tolerance for pain than men. Either way, I believe however you choose to depict your life and art through your body is BEAUTIFUL, and should be appreciated. Pain isnt forever, but spirit and soul is...........
So next time you see me, with my current 8 tattoos, and soon to be sleeved left or right arm. 4 ear piercings, 2 of which are currently being stretched. 1 nose piercing, and 1 navel ring. If you choose to pass judgment, just keep moving or take this...

....because I dont care to accept critiques and judgment from people who arent open to the free expression of others. This life is for Art and that is what I choose to live. My Body is my art. The moving Canvas. And I'm not stopping aanytime soon, as long as my body permits me to give it temporary pain, we will endulge in the gifts. I am in the rebellion! Drastic moves to be made. Lioness and Queen of all nature. Inner spirit and outer space.
Eat My Words
So what if, one day i choose to take my life: which may never happen because I love myself too much. Conceited and confident yes.
But anyway, If something was to ever happen to me in my future that I had prediction to and decided to write about it, those people closest to me may never know until it was too late.
I could be dead and gone and no one would really know what happened because they didnt read the context clues when I expressed them and delivered them.
This is just a reality check on life. My Life. The little bit that I feel like sharing today. Which is less than most other days.
I'm closely buiding these bridges and barriers back up because my trust has fallen in percentage. near 50% to the world. I used to enjoy a 90% upsale in loving others but I see no reason in doing so anymore.
I dont know. This is just me now and forever more. Happiness doesnt last forever but spirit does and Im not really in the giving mood to share mine.
Peace out.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
What is Mother's Day?!?

I guess these are the many reasons that I have grown to be so independent, because I feel that I've never really have a bond, or the motherly teacher to show me how life is and teach me what I should do as I was growing on. I had to learn everything practically on my own. Good and bad, those lessons in life have built me to be the strong, independent, outspoken, forthright, strong willed, artistic woman I am today. Through everything, I am still learning, without the advice children get to call and ask their mothers about, so I call to myself forthe answers I need in life. No one can make you be who you are, but there should always be someone there guiding and helping you along the way. Where is my guiding light?!?
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Listen In... The Team Takeova -"We Out Chea"
zSHARE - The Team Takeova _CR Da Show_ Sage Bravo _ Mr. Valentine_ - We Out Chea _Prod. By DK The Punisher_.mp3