What light has evolved to my mind/Warmth/The sunshine surrounded to lift my spirit/I Feel....FREE!/Across the bed/Bare skin left to reminisce on the scent/Breathing in the essence that cooks my soul with hot/ Black Love/A memory of that song the Black King sung/"If you take your love away from me, i'll go crazy... i'll go insane!"/A love, a love, a love/A life that loves.....ME!/I cant break away/I cant break free/My baby, my man, my heart, my love, my everything...MY KING/ Black King/ Knows every way to move my senses/My every emotion & feeling/Numb, my lips.../Like the overflow of drinks we take before the games begin/But the feel of his kiss never leaves/Never disperses/Never dry, never rough/So smooth/Juicy to the big lips on my face/The oriface that keeps him enclosed/Secretly & deeply/To me/My body/His property, his gift/From me/His Queen/ Black Queen/ Mmm...I could sing the song he makes my body sing.../The ways that i like it/Never forgetting the tingling, moaning, & shaking/ He delivers to me...
My soul shakes, for him./ His body, his skin/his strength/in me.../ Black Spirit./ His love, only for me/ Something I always cherish/ What special heart he has/ A perfect thing/ What was said, that could never be.../Perfect/ He is!/ Everything, anyone could ever want/ The smile in the morning/ Release of stress in the night./ Stature of the African King that he is/ Proud, Strong, Handsome, Responsible, Respectful, Worthy/ Worth it/ He is/The Protector/The Truth/The Love/ Every way.../ Beautiful/ Selfish is the love that I have/ I cant hide it/ What he is.../no one can take from me/ My love, to only give to him/ The One./ Him/ Black King/ My joy/ The every free feeling in my heart/ Like the creamiest vanilla ice cream/ & the moistest slice of chocolate cake/ My food for thought/The delight to my senses/ He makes my soul high./ Feeding off his sight/into his eyes, the deep/ Mesmerizing & hypnotizing/ Hard to look away/ Eyes closed to daydream.../ What comes true...
Hoped for since youth./ The perfect fairytale./ The Perfect words always said that can hold me closer to him./ The keepsake to my many precious treasures./ The expensive that is priceless/ in loving/ my royalty./ My King./ Any sense that if left from you, my life would never be the same./ One that is strong enough to sacrifice lifes dreams/ to settle for the happiness that he is./ Catering to his every need./ With care, with love, with desire, with sincerity, with pride./ Do whatever to make u(s) happy & comfortable/ in our relationship/ Our unity/ Our peace/ Our love/ Our life./ Problems never arrive because we/ have the strength & love to keep built joy within our Kingdom/ shared Queendom./ a castle, a domain.../ a Universe./ Where Venus & Mars orbit to each others circumferences./ Each others bodies/ Strong, profound/ molded to perfection/ inside & out/ speaks art to the canvas...

He has the control/ to keep my soul/ my spirit intertwined into the beats of his heart./ We breathe, eat, think, sleep, see, read, feel, express,... Love./ Forever Deep Love./ What Queen needs from her King./ The Supreme overnight/ every night ecstasy./ Freedom to feel./ Freedom to scream./ Life./ Satisfying the body that forms the barrier of protection/ for future life./ What Mother Nature & God formed for Earth/ to be born, & grow./ Perfect is the man./ What she deserves/ searches for, finds, embraces & keeps./ The Healer./ The Teacher./ The Giver./ The Lifeline./ He is higher than most./ The melodic harmony to my lifes ears./ He serenades my souls nervous system/ with his lively lyrics./ The Perfect Song... "Don't Leave Me Girl".../ I will never.../ From the Strength of my pride, my heart/ the bones that carry me/ to him./ Black Woman, Black Queen./ I stand/ by my Black Man/ Black King...