Thursday, June 9, 2011

The World is Collapsing


The world is collapsing.
The world is fallen.
Burning like the deepest Hell.
Ears of every single person here.
Our societies & homes.
No substance. NO STRUCTURE.
This is the fallen glass of the shattered window.
We are bleeding.
Cut by dirty pieces of glass.
We are diseased.
Unhealthy & uncared for.
We are the cause watching the effect.
Slow Motion. SLOW DEATHS.
No fresh wind. No breath.
The world is collapsing.




April 7 2011 8:50am

I want to express this feeling. I can't be helped without the question of money being present. Its not a sign, its just a calling. Call to the wild. Call to my spirits. Unsettled time elapses in my mind. Like unfinished sex in a room full of vultures. All watching & waiting to see what I will do next so they can have a chance to quench on my flesh. Angry & frustrated. Flustered, but I hold steady. Like the strength on a woman. Performing Kegels & holding his instrument of ecstasy inside her. He is already strong but she makes him stronger. I am the vagina & the penis. I engulf my insides & outsides to hold me high in honesty. Honestly I'm trying, had tried long & hard....... To push through openings befitting & unfit for me. Most times unasked, I have raped this society & gave it my unborn children, in my own culture, views, & talents. Like the man having no life destination, I throw the condom away & give this world all that I have, from the womb, my Queenly essentials. Pure creativity expanded in my spirit. I paint the lines of my emotions. Stroking lines of life onto many canvases! Sex for my soul comes closer & grows a deep tingling feeling inside my body. Touches my fingers like a cool breeze on the hots of 99 degrees in the summer. I quiver & the power exudes through me. Pouring an inebriated orgasm that couldn't be contained. I came on this planet.

-SpaceMartian QSS.

Ode to the Skies (1st flight)


Cosmic shaded of your clouds escape into my eyes as the bird ascends its wings.
Elevated above a force of gravity where "FREE" in the home domain.
An alleviated feeling to exhale the world below & take on the wonders of the clouds.
A wonderland of sentiment & powdered sugared precipitation.
Pillowed clouds evolve into my dreams like the last imaginary sleep of my childhood.
I am home again.
Living in the freedom of an escaped world in the sky.
You are the source extended closeR to my planet.
Popping eardrums & illuminated visions of blue hues, white lights & bumpy turbulence.
Different shapes & densities of formulated clouds inside & above the atmosphere.
Stratosphere surrendering my soul.
I want to stay here.
A bird in your skies.
